Director's Greeting

Mandy Sydo
Dear Welcome Home Friends, Family and Visitors,
Welcome to our website. I hope you will appreciate and support our Ugandan ministry. We operate the oldest and largest Babies Home (birth to 6 years) in Jinja Uganda.
Our main focus is rescuing and caring for babies, infants and toddlers, also to meet medical needs of children in villages.
The needy children are welcomed into our home – many newborns because the mother died during their birth, some were abandoned (and fortunately found), some toddlers found scavenging food at rubbish dumps, or born in prison. Many were starving, sick or abused.
We love and care for them regardless of family history, religion, handicaps or disease. Children, who would otherwise be rejected and discarded, now have a chance at life in our home.
Our Ugandan Staff faithfully work every day to help the children heal and grow. We have one staff “mama” per every three children and often have one mama for one preemie baby or very sick child. From very small our children learn about God in a daily Bible class. Our older children attend a local school. We also have a full-time teacher who teaches preschool to the little ones daily, and then helps the older ones with homework after their school in our cheerful pink schoolhouse on the premises. The children’s schedule gives security and stability to their formerly chaotic lives. The “familyness” of the home helps them recover from the traumas – even singing together is a large part of their healing process. We want them to recover and blossom physically, emotionally, socially, and educationally.
We desire the best possible future for all our children. If safe we reunite the children with their family or relatives in their villages (Our social workers work closely with the families, before and after return). Many of the children go home with a small herd of goats for the family to breed and sell to provide their future school fees, or an interest-free small business loan for a workable business. We offer free medical care to our returned children up to the age of 10 yrs.
If a family restoration is not possible, it means that the child goes to an extension orphanage or even adoption.
We have great joy seeing their smiles grow and their eyes become soft and bright as they experience God’s love and healing at Welcome Home Ministries. We dearly love the children and ask you to partner with us to bring the answers they need to give them a future and a hope.
All westerners are volunteers – over 95% of your gifts go to Uganda.
Please join with us.
Blessings, Mandy Sydo, Director – Welcome Home Ministries, Africa