Before & After
Neglected Twins

These twins, a boy and girl came to us at 3 years old from the village the police took us to rescue them.
They had a situation where their mother had died and there was now a stepmother situation. Very commonly in Uganda a step parent will not look after or provide for a step child. These children suffered this type of situation. They were alone and locked out of the house sitting in drizzling rain when our manager and the officer went to pick them up.
It was hard work to bring recovery especially to the little boy who had never stood or walked a step. With a lot of love and hard work, physiotherapy and good nutrition they recovered. Dad served time in prison because he allowed their neglect. The good thing is that he and his wife have learnt a lesson. The government awarded the custody of the children to the grandparents with the dad providing for them. We follow up on their condition with visits and are very pleased to report that they are doing well and are very happy.